Excellence in marine, logistic and port services
MARMISUR,an established reference in south of Europe and north of Africa since 1993.
With a proven and well-established experience in the Marine Lubricants sector, supplying on Land and at Sea as warehouser-supplier. Our scope has been consolidated around the whole Andalusian coast, North of Africa and East Spanish side part, becoming a leader company in the sector.
24hours/365days a year
Safety and Health at work
ISO 9001,14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications
Respect for the Environment
Quality standards
Safety checklists
Who we are
MARMISUR, S.L.U. is a Society constituted for an indefinite time, according to the deed on October 3, 1993, with social purpose, Marine Lubricants supply and commercialization. With a proven and well-established experience in the Marine Lubricants sector, supplying on Land and at Sea as warehouser-supplier. Its scope has been consolidated around the whole Andalusian coast and East Spanish side part. The fact of becoming nationwide logistic operator is in our expansion plan. It has as main objective: The Safety in our operations either staff or about environmental accident. Our awareness is supported by ISO 9001, 14001 and OSHAS 18001 certfications. The Marmisur staff is headed by its director and founder, who has had the opportunity to transfer its experience in different leader companies from the sector as BP to the company.
Two people are in charge of each operation, a responsible and a supervisor operator who carries out a study previous to the operation, providing always for safety and suitable procedures.
In addition to ISO9001, 14001 and OSHAS 45001 certification, the company is currently known as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). Therefore by satisfying certain criteria MARMISUR is considered to be reliable in their customs related operations throughout the European Community, being able to offer a safer and more efficient service to the clients.
Our services
24h / 365 days a year
Uthorization application to the Port Authority and environmental standards and safety fulfillment according to ART 129 LAW 48/2003 the public domain port.
Homologated by Ministry of Development according to RD 253/04, where precautionary measures and pollution control in loading, unloading and manipulation of hydrocarbon operation are established in maritime and port area.
Emergency and evacuation plan, and business activity coordination means specific to each Port or private area according to ART 20LPRL.
Operator responsible backing up any incidence.
Custom responsible for each operation.
Pumping equipment movement.
Pollution control kit movement.
- Trained and authorized operators in every single port.
- Free samples kit delivery.
- Samples obtaining and destruction procedure.
Quality, Environment and Health and Safety policies are based on some fundamental principles:
- Satisfaction of our client’s needs by operating rapidly on the services provided.
- Making sure we comply all the time with our client’s needs and requirements.
- Continuous improvement on the provided services as well as our attitude against environmental impacts that may generate our activity, and in the performance system.
- Complying always with the current applicable legislation besides other requirements that the Organization may endorse.
- Prevent the pollution and quality deviations of our services and activities.
- Providing to our partners and workers the necessary training for the perfect accomplishment of our tasks, driving them toward our policy focused on the prevention of occupational risks for every single activity.
- Prevention of damages and deterioration of the health of all employee workforce under a continuous improvement.
- Evaluate in advance the potential impacts about the people safety and health in every activity, in order to adopt the necessary preventive measures.
- Train and make constantly the Marmisur’s staff aware, driving them toward our policy focused on the prevention of occupational risks for every single activity.
- Spreading out the prevention of occupational risks over every subcontracted company and others interested parties.
- Define, check out and update systematically and regularly the established Policy fulfillment, as well as the objectives.
- Committing on providing health and safety labor conditions to prevent damages and health deterioration related with the work.
A.Ruiz / Gerente
Algeciras, September 13, 2019
Safety and Quality
Marmisur has its own procedures for each operation, safety standards, hygiene and quality in the service.
Safety and health in the work.
Respect for the environment
Certification granted by Bureau Veritas
AEO Custom regulation fulfillment
Work procedure
Quality standards
Safety checklist
Authorizations with agencies